Thursday, June 29, 2006

LJ, Garland, Tx

Last night I had an interesting dream... it was real.. so real i'm not sure if it wasn't real.. i don't think it was a dream. It was a weird dream, scary.. very spiritual war-fare like.

It has confused me..

so i would appreciate prayer


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

WB Baytown,TX

Pr. for the guys we met up with in the park again today. We talked to them about ch. a little but they weren't really interested. They are coming to the grill tomorrow so I hope that we can another chance to share with them. Pr. for that experience.

JK - Larkspur, CO

Today was the best day of my life as I was able to share the gospel to a catholic and a non-believer at the same SPANISH! How crazy it is that God works in the most amazing ways! I really don't know what God is doing with me, because I am seeing things left and right happen around me. Now this happens today, and the Brazilian lady who wasn't a christian looks really "HOT" as we call it, which means she is ready to hear the gospel again and possibly accept it. I praise God with all my heart, thank you to all for your prayers. Keep praying because God is doing amazing things!

JMR - Cooper, TX

Please pray for me because I feel discouraged a little because everyone I've talked to can't understand me when I start to bring up spiritual conversations.

SC, Purcell,OK

Today we got to read and discuss some scripture with a women we met earlier this week. She's not a christian but she definately believes in G. She's gone to some different churches and she had several questions for us. She's very interested and wants to keep meeting with us to study the B. Please pr that she would have a clear understanding of G's word and would come to know C.

T.P Thibodaux, LA

I ask that you pray for "W" that he would see his need for christ. We met him at the park and he was so receptive of our culture. Today is day 29 of 60 and it was the first time I was able to share my faith with someone this summer. He seems to know about the gospel, but me may not see his need for it. He is kinda like a hippi and he lived in the forest for a couple years. It sometimes feel like God can't hear my prayers, but he does hear and he says wait. This brings us to a point of desperation were I long to here his voice and he brings us to a point were I have to sit in silence and wait for his voice. Praise God for his glory that is seen in every little thing.

C.L. Corpus Christi, TX

Lately, I have been asking God to let me clearly see answers to my prayers. This entire week, I have prayed specific prayers everyday for the weather. And everyday, God answered those prayers by making the weather to what I had prayed for. It is so amazing to see God answer my prayers in such a clear and awsome way. He does hear us and He does answer prayers. Our group here are complete evidence of that. Thank you God for caring enough about me to answer my simple weather prayers. You amaze me and our group every single day. You are such an awsome God. Guys, pray those specific prayers and you will see Him work.

A.T Columbus, MS

Please pray that God will allow me to meet someone here at the meeting place that I can share my faith with. I can't travel on sight with my knee, so I stay put. Pray that I can share with someone were I am.

L.D. Austin, TX

I went to Tower Park today with a new group. I got in a group and started talking with some high school girls. I prayed for a bit with C, and then saw ttwo women with their kids. I went over there and talked with them for a while, and got to share my story for a few minutes. She was Lutheran and I got her contact info and they said they hoped to see me soon! God is amazing, and today was a great day. He answered prayers.

AR Eugene

Today T and I were at a park and after a game of frisbee we met a man named W.G. He knew so much about the Bible, and even what J.C did, but he thought that J.C. wasn't the only way to, just one of the good ways to go. Pr. that he see's the truth.

JE- Buffalo, TX

Today I just got to spend more time with G and M. we had an amazing SC and just got to spend some time together as a team. Tomorrow is our last day at the Uni, and although I have had an awesome time with G and hearing more of her life and her passion for our Father I really want to share my story. So please just be in PR that tomorrow I will be able to share my story with someone if its Fathers will. I know I will she G tomorrow and I can't wait to talk to her more. Please be in PR for the SAGE conf on Friday. PRing for yall daily.

DC - Belton, TX

Talk about Spiritual Warfare. Its crazy how by losing something (or someone) God can push me to the edge... back where I'm supposed to be. And today I went to the edge. I realized the urgency of sharing my story. I did. I don't want to go another day without sharing. Cuz I have been reminded of the fragility of life.

KAP, Lubbock, TX

Please pray that the Father would divinely lead me to a person of peace. I've been praying for a while for the father to open up doors for conversations. I was so excited to come back to Germany to see my friend E. I've tried to get incontact with her many times this summer, but the doors don't seem to be opening. Continue to pray for E. Pray that the Lord would give her vision, or a dream and reveal himself to her. Jesus, be the lover of her soul.

TMcD- Lubbock

I cant even describe today, it was awesome. God just really answered so many prayers that we had been praying hard for all week and He continues too do so even now. Today C and I got to have some really good time just talking about life and all the things going on. We ended up getting to play backgammon with some girls in the park and it was really good. The girls didnt speak any english but they were just really sweet and offered us dinner and they just loved sitting there and playing the games with us even when we couldnt communicate. And I just realized it doesnt matter the age, or where I am at but that I just need to share my story everywhere I go and not pass up any oppurtunity. IM FALLING ON MY KNEES...OFFERING ALL OF ME! tomorrow I am going to a grill party and there are going to be people that I have met over the past few years there, so pray that I can restore some of those relationships and continue with them throughout the summer... im really excited. so just be in prayer for that.

"However, I consider my life worth NOTHING to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

Lin. Lubbock, TX

Today in Duisburg... who knows what the Father wants to there. It was a good day though. It felt productive. We PRwalked quite a bit. When we were headed home at the end of the day, we met a lady in the train station. Her name is "D." She speaks excellent English. She has my contact info, but I don't have hers. So PR that she contacts us! She actually works in Duisburg, but lives in Koln. So that's really cool. Maybe that's why we're in D-town. I love you all and miss you!

K. A. Frankston TX

Today was really awesome!!! God is so amazing He is just showing me how amazing His love is. I have to rely on Him for everything and it is so cool and scary at the same time to know u have no where else to turn but to the Father. If you would please pray for people to come to the perk i am currently at. It is much differnt from the other parks we have been at. There are not many youth there. So thats all i have for now but i love you guys and miss you!!!

GT. Granbury, TX

Today was fun in Duisburg. We had SC (simple church) in the park then "K" and I walked the town PRing.

MSB. Idalou, TX

Well today was interesting. I don't know what in going to happen in Duisburg, but I hope He shows us soon.

ARK. Amarillo, TX

Today I just saw God answer so many prayers, or begin to answer prayers. I prayer-sat with M today and God slowly began to asnwer our prayers. Later in the day God answered a prayer that another team had asked everyone to pray for.


Lin. Lubbock, TX
Today was a little rough. I will post much more about today on my personal blog.

L.D. Austin, TX
In Duisburg today my team went back to the park where we have been at the past couple days. We saw D, but he was busy and we couldn't talk. I prayed today for the people I have seen a few times and will continue to pray for God to break the hearts of people with addictions. God is amazing, and He is continually answering prayers.

MSB. Idalou, TX
Today was a relatively hard day. I did not feel led to talk to anyone. So finally, L and I started picking up trash. I felt like I saw a visible difference.

ARK. Amarillo, TX
I don't know how to describe today. Before we went out, God broke my heart. As we got to Duisburg, all I could do was pray for the city and this week. Our day wasn't as exciting as yesterday in the sense of meeting people. GOd continued to break my heart throughout the day. Pray for the rest of this week and what happens at the parks.

jmr, cooper, tx
i love jordan(the girl) and jordan loves lara(and she loves jordan and jessica):
today was a cold, rainy day. i had a conversation with 2 Romanian girls. i tried to share about church but didn't understand me and had to leave. i was sitting on some steps reading and a little girl came up. i said hallo and she said it back. i tried to ask her what her name was but she wouldn't answer me, all she could do was make sounds. it broke my heart because i couldn't speak to her so all we did was color. if you remember a while back i meet a lady at the park but didn't share with her, although the door was open. well, i saw her today but she was with a lot of guys drinking so i just prayed and asked that you will too. love ya! xoxo

JG Sherwood, Orgeon
Amazing day of plowing and sowing! a day of rain with parting clouds in the afternoon Father allowed KR and I to meet a young women who shared her America experiences. A catholic girl who loves doing for others. Blessings to our Father for safety...Answered PR. life long learning for us all! we miss our friends and families, but Fathers call is upon us. Girls, I love you!

TW, Garland, TX
God is moving in amazing ways. This one week team has been the biggest blessing to me! They are so encouraging and catch onto teaching so quickly. Not only do they understand it, but they act on it immediately. I am lucky to be leading such an obedient and God-fearing team! Tomorrow we have a visitor for church. She is an immigrant and is definitely desperate for church, fellowship, and the word of God. Pray that she finds a bible in her native tongue. Pray for church tomorrow. Im always praying for yall and i love and miss yall!

JK - Larkspur, CO
Today was amazing! First we had simple church and then prayer-walked with Spencer and that was good. Then after a bit I went to the basketball courts and cut my elbow, so we went to the station and got it bandaged. I don't think God wanted me to play basketball. I started praying that God would give me a sign that something was going to happen and that God was there. Then I saw a guy sitting about 50 yards away, and I prayed that God would make him get up and come to me. Not 3 seconds later, he got up, came and gave me some weird thing; I don't know what it is or for. But that was a sure sign for me that God is going to do something, already is, but something is going to happen. All we have to do is pray and wait for God's timing, and let him use us however He chooses according to His plan. God is so humorous and good!

WB, Baytown, TX
Today and yesterday were so awesome. We went to our parks and pr walked for a while and then played football and ping pong a while. We moved to the other park because no one was at the small park. We were there for a while and right before we left we met 3 guys. We met up with them again today and planned to have a grill party on THursday. Pr. that it goes good and our team will have a chance to share their story.

TMcD- Lubbock
Today C and I went to the library at the Fachhochschule and I was sitting downstairs studying a german book and spending time in prayer. C met a girl in the library that is going to meet up with us sometime soon and help us with our german, so that is really cool and I am excited about that. Also it was really rainy today but we went out to the park anyways...(rheinpark) and there was not hardly anyone out there but we were still praying for that person to talk to. We ran into these people that happened to be from America and we started talking with them. They asked us if we wanted to go somewhere to watch the weltmeister games with them so we were like okay that would be fun. anyways turns out 2 of the guys were guys that T had talked to earlier this week and they are staying at the same place that we are at everyday. We ended up going there to watch the games and A, who has been in all week bc she has a hurt knee, got to finally join us and that was a really cool time that we met people from a place we go everyday and A could join in. Today was really good and really encouraging to me. The Father showed me a lot today through the things we did and the things we read!

T.P.- Thibodaux, LA
Its okay to tell God your frustrations and your anger and question God. Then he takes us in his arms and says "Are you done?" and he showers us with love and mercy and grace. And we feel totally unworthy to be children of the most incredible high, holy and loving God.

SC, Purcell, OK
Today was a good day. We were able to connect with our contacts from yesterday and make a few new ones too. Please pray for our church tomorrow-we have guests coming!

C.L. - Corpus Christi, TX
Today I met a girl in the library at the Fachochschule she was busy studying for a test this Saturday, but she said she would teach me German next week, so I am excited about that. Then we were prayer walking at rheinpark and we met 3 Americans. There were two brothers and their sister. They invited us to go to where they are staying. It turns out where they are staying is the same one we meet at everyday. It was really cool because T. had met those same guys yesterday. One of the guys seemed to really want to hang out with us . Please pray that he does.

A.T.- Columbus, MS
I stayed in again today, but was able to meet up with my team here and watch a game with some contacts. They are very interested in hanging out again, tonight even! Bad news- I will be leaving July 11 to have work done on my knee.

JE- Buffalo, TX
Yesterday was a day for sowing. but before sowing we PR walked the park a little bit. We were PRing for Father to send Christian English speaking Germans to our park. Also another PR that we lifted up was that one of my girls would met a Muslim child. well not long after PR walking my girls were playing soccer and they met 3 c's. so they all started playing and then another person showed up and wanted to play and he was a c to. two of them came to worship with us last night and one is coming tonight. another is coming to our HC tomorrow. the Father is really using these girls to bring glory to His name. PR for the relationships they made as i continue them throughout the summer. also two more girls in my group met with a lady that is just really desperate for some friends and just a really sweet lady. plz PR for that relationship as they try to share more with her today. I love yall and miss yall.