TMcD- Lubbock
I cant even describe today, it was awesome. God just really answered so many prayers that we had been praying hard for all week and He continues too do so even now. Today C and I got to have some really good time just talking about life and all the things going on. We ended up getting to play backgammon with some girls in the park and it was really good. The girls didnt speak any english but they were just really sweet and offered us dinner and they just loved sitting there and playing the games with us even when we couldnt communicate. And I just realized it doesnt matter the age, or where I am at but that I just need to share my story everywhere I go and not pass up any oppurtunity. IM FALLING ON MY KNEES...OFFERING ALL OF ME! tomorrow I am going to a grill party and there are going to be people that I have met over the past few years there, so pray that I can restore some of those relationships and continue with them throughout the summer... im really excited. so just be in prayer for that.
"However, I consider my life worth NOTHING to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24
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